Mission Statement

Our mission is to help people find real life in Christ.

The Great Commission (Matthew 28: 18-20) and The Great Commandment (Matthew 22: 36-40)

 St. John 3: 16, 1 John 5: 12

Vision Statement

It is our vision to bring men, women, boys and girls to relationship with Jesus Christ who gives life eternally and enables us to experience a fulfilled life, by becoming Spiritually Alive, Mentally Sound, Emotionally Stable, Physically Well, Socially Adjusted, and Financially Secured.

 It is our vision to connect them with membership in our church family and a caring community of believers in Christ in an environment of Grace.

 It is our vision to grow them, to Christ-like maturity through our Sunday School, Small Group Care Ministry, Wednesday CTI and bible teaching, and life-changing preaching.

 It is our vision to equip them for ministry after identifying their S.H.A.P.E., empowering them to serve the body of Christ.

 It is our vision to send them into missions and community outreaches, to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and engage in acts of compassion, throughout our community and world.

  It is our vision to help them fulfill their purpose to magnify God through their personal living, prayerful communion, and collective worship.


The Great Commandment: Matthew 22: 36-40

 The Great Commission: Matthew 28: 18-20
  • Church Covenant

    Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior; and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now in the presence of God, angels, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body of Christ.

     We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church in knowledge and holiness; to give it a place in our affections, prayers and services above every organization of human origin; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrine; to contribute cheerfully and regularly, as God has prospered us, towards its expenses, for the support of a faithful and evangelical ministry among us, the relief of the poor and the spread of the Gospel throughout the world. In case of difference of opinion in the church, we will strive to avoid a contentious spirit, and if we cannot unanimously agree, we will cheerfully recognize the right of the majority to govern.

     We also engage to maintain family and secret devotion; to study diligently the word of God; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintance; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be kind and just to those in our employ, and faithful in the service we promise others; endeavoring in the purity of heart and good will towards all men to exemplify and commend our holy faith.

     We further engage to watch over, to pray for, to exhort and stir up each other unto every good word and work; to guard each other’s reputation, not needlessly exposing the infirmities of others; to participate in each other’s joys, and with tender sympathy bear one another’s burdens and sorrows; to cultivate Christian courtesy; to be slow to give or take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, being mindful of the rules of the Savior in the eighteenth chapter of Matthew, to secure it without delay; and through life, amid evil report, and good report, to seek to live to the glory of God, who hath called us out of darkness into his marvelous light 

    When we remove from this place, we engage as soon as possible to unite with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s word.

  • Church Etiquette

    Come. Never miss church unless it is absolutely necessary.

    Come Early. Rushing into church the last minute is not conducive to true worship. Once WORSHIP SERVICE began, never walk in front of church, always enter from the rear and find a seat. 

    Take a Place Toward the Front of the church; leave the rear seats for those who may come late, and mothers with children. Please!

    Be Devout. The church is not a theater or a place of amusement. Come to worship God, not to whisper, lounge, sleep, or engage in excessive talking.

    Be thoughtful of the Comfort of Others. Never make a haystack of yourself at the end of the seat and expect others to crawl over you to reach a seat.

    Help Strangers to find and follow the service. If they have no book or program, share yours with them. Sing and join in the worship! Don’t just sit!

    Always Remember that VISITORS are the Guest of the Church members. Treat them with the same courtesy as you would if they should visit you in your own home.

    Give a Good Offering to God. God loves a cheerful giver! Freely you have received, freely give!

    Do Not Move During: Prayer, scripture reading, benediction, invitation to discipleship, or as announcements are being read, or while someone is speaking.

    Please Respect the Pulpit, it is designated only for the ordained ministers of God, do not gather, meet, or convene in this area. Also, do not lay personal items on or lean on the COMMUION TABLE and/or the OFFERING TABLES.

    Never Rush for the Door after the benediction as though the church were on fire. 

    Never Stay Away from Church because the church is not perfect. No one is perfect.

    Do Not Bring Food or Drink into the sanctuary, nor eat or allow your children to eat food, chips, candy, or gum.

     Remember at All Times that You Are in the House of God!

    Ministry of Helps 

    Dress Ethics

    As a representative of St. Peter Restoration Community Christian Ministries, you are responsible for presenting a professional appearance. Because we are joint heirs with Christ- a royal priesthood- your appearance and attitude should make a positive necessary at all times. Your attire should be appropriate for meeting and greeting the public. Moderation is the key.

    Here are some guidelines for you to follow:

    Clothing should be clean and presentable.

    Hair should be neatly combed.

    Beards and Moustaches are allowed if neatly trimmed.

    Earrings should be worn in the ears only.

    Shoes must be worn at all times. No thongs or house shoes, (except for medical reasons.)

    Females ministering or going forth during any service, office personnel, and bookstore workers must wear dresses, skirt and blouse ensembles, or dress suits. Dresses should have appropriate necklines and hemlines (at least knee length) and must be worn with hosiery.

    Males ministering or going forth during any service must wear shirts with collars – suit coats and ties as requested.

    Appropriate undergarments must be worn at all times, i.e. bras, slips and hosiery.

    Inappropriate attire would include skirts or dresses with revealing slits, mini skirts, tight short shorts, tight jeans, low cut dresses or blouses, muscle shirts, sun dresses, or bare legs. If you question the appropriateness of any article of clothing, leave it in the closet.

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